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Golden Rose

manufactures cosmetics, plastic packaging and perfumes in the integrated facilities on almost 70.000 m2 total area.

The manufacturing of cosmetics is done in an indoor area of 36.000 m2 in Istanbul by using the latest high-tech with a modern approach in the manufacturing process, under hygienic conditions, in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems, ISO 22716:2007 Cosmetic-GMP, OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems , ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems and HELAL/HALAL (MS 1500:2009).

Erkul Cosmetics makes the R&D studies with a specialized and experienced team; tests in accordance with the EU directives on the accredited laboratories before presenting them to the customers. Every product has a Product Safety Assessment Report. Erkul Cosmetics continues its journey in the world of beauty with the aim of quality and continuous growth with help of its 30-years experience.

The plastic packages, tubes, lids and applicators used in the manufacturing process of the cosmetics are developed and produced in accordance with the GMP in the factory built on 15.000m2 in Gürpınar which has the certificate of BRC (British Retail Consortium). The package designs, molds and productions are done by using the modern devices and machinerie

Quality Approach

The products of the Golde Rose Cosmetics are produced with the pigments and raw materials in accordance with the FDA and EU regulations and imported from America and Europe. The raw materials and packaging materials used in the manufacturing process are physically chemically and microbiologically tested in the laboratories equipped with technological devices.

In order to satisfy the requirements of the EU 1223/2009 Product Safety Assessment Regulations; all of the products are presented to the customers after they pass the safety tests for human health in the laboratories located in Europe and a Product Safety Assessment Report is prepared by a specialist. Our products and raw materials used for our products do not test on animals.

With an approach of continuous improvement; the product development activities are made in the in-house R&D laboratories with by a team of 20 specialist staffs. Golden Rose Cosmetics has the certificates of the most important quality and hygiene standards ISO 22716:2007 Cosmetic-GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), ISO 9001–2015 (Quality Management System), OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems , ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems and HELAL/HALAL (MS 1500:2009).

Our Quality Policy


Preventing pecuniary and non-pecuniary workforce losses that might arise in case of occurrence of dangers promptly determining the dangers that might occur due to internal or external sources regarding the processes stipulated by the Integrated Management Systems which are applied for the quality of our products, service and activities,

Providing continuous development without compromising Standards of Quality, Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety, Good Manufacturing Practices and Halal Management Systems, and complying, in cooperation with the respective parties, with the legislations and regulations to which we are accountable with regard to our activities without compromise, Manufacturing safe products in accordance with Halal Standards by analyzing the possible risks to ensure the Product Safety and by monitoring the legal requirements enforced in the countries where our customers are located in due course,

Planning activities to improve the system when deemed necessary upon the assessment of customer satisfaction, providing safe products on time and in a constantly increasing quality by focusing on our customers' future expectations and closely monitoring technological developments in our business, and increasing the rate of competition in the sector, thus the share of our company in the market,

Improving the competency of the entire personnel by implementing a planned and scheduled training and awareness-raising program so as to ensure impeccable services,

Cooperating and establishing a team work based on respect and trust in this endeavor we have collaboratively set foot on with our internal and external stakeholders that are our main and strategical partners,

Reviewing our Standards of Quality, Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety, Good Manufacturing Practices and Halal Management Systems periodically so as to ensure their appropriateness to the objective of our establishment,

Keeping our policies available for public scrutiny.


Complying with all respective legislations, other requirements and ISO 14001 standard in relation to environmental aspects in our activities, services and products,

Identifying the environmental dimensions of the risks that might be posed by the manufacture or other activities of ours and that might lead to environmental pollution and taking preventive measures against them by assessing their effects on the environment,

Preventing pollution at its source by taking the impact of solid, liquid and gas wastes on the environment into consideration and by looking into the opportunities of re-using, recovering and recycling our wasted produced in the course of our activities, Not conducting verbal, physical, psychological harassment and coercion so as to ensure an uplifted and tranquil working environment for the employees and not discriminating people according to their language, religion, race, gender, social class, age and union membership in matters of employment, promotion, retirement, access to education by respecting their freedom of thought and faith,

Not promoting contractually exploited, bonded or forced labor and ensuring the employment of each employee at a suitable position on the basis of volunteerism and under equal conditions,

Creating solutions by ensuring the establishment of fair communication amongst the employees and between their superiors, and the implementation of procedures with regard to maintaining this communication believing that sound communication lies under the team work, and also ensuring the communication of requests, complaints and recommendations to the upper management by means of either their representatives or boxes of requests, complaints and recommendations, and the assessment of these by the upper management,

Ensuring the development of the employees with trainings and instructions and not disciplining employees with physical or material disciplinary rules and not cutting back on wages in terms of Disciplinary Penalties unless authorized by the legislations and regulations,

Identifying the risk related to occupational health and safety hazards that might occur due to our activities and handling these risk by minimizing them down to acceptable levels, minimizing all kinds of damages and losses that might arise by creating a safer and healthier working environment in all our activities, providing the required equipment with regard to occupational health and safety, complying with the respective legislations, regulations and requirements, and informing the internal and external stakeholders as our main and strategical partners about the works carried out,

Not engaging in any activity that might have an impact on the environment in the course of our activities, fulfilling our liabilities towards the protection of nature and environment with the awareness of our responsibility of protecting resources, ensuring the effective utilization of resources and raising an awareness amongst the employees,

Not accepting gifts and benefits to provide privileges and advantages that don’t befit the course of business and that might influence the impartiality, decisions and behavior of employees, and not attempting to offer gifts and benefits to third parties, establishments and organizations, which might have similar influences,

Assessing and monitoring the social compliance activities of our suppliers with the awareness that the external suppliers of the company share equal amount of responsibility, and raising awareness in social responsibilities among all stakeholders, Continuously raising the level of awareness by informing employees regarding the matters of employee personal rights, company policies, conditions of working during the recruitment and throughout the employment period believing that the social compliance can be achieved with informed employees, and that conformity to the company policies and social compliance conditions shall be regarded as a significant criterion and a prerequisite in personnel selection along with the technical and professional know-how so as to maintain the sustainability of the ethical values of our company,

Holding internal and external trainings regarding raising awareness towards occupational health and safety and the management systems available to foster the occupational and personal developments of the employees, and ensuring the uninterrupted improvement of our company together with our employees by means of these trainings held,

Reviewing policies on a regular basis for continuous improvement and in cases where changes are required in regulations, standards and codes of conduct or as might be required in connection with the customer demands, and keeping our social responsibility policy available for all our personnel and for respective parties upon request.